Dear First Friends,
Redwing black birds calling, chalk drawings on sidewalks, skipping ropes and scooters, no snowpants needed, daffodil leaves strong enough to poke through dead leaves, snowdrops and crocuses making splashes of colour - all point towards hope and new beginnings!
Celebrating Hope Dinner April 3 Thanks for supporting our Celebrating Hope Dinner, our latest fundraising event at First United. We have over 100 orders as of Wed, March 23 (newsletter deadline).
Because we are not sold out, DeliWorks is willing to guarantee any additional orders we receive before Monday March 29, 9:00am. We ask you to invite family and friends to join us as we work towards another sellout.
Please call Lynda at 519-885-4534 or Muriel at 519-746-2566 to place your orders if you are interested. Thanks, Muriel
Worship This SundaySunday, March 28 at 10:30 AM ~ Palm Sunday Service: We begin Holy Week by recalling Jesus' entry to Jerusalem as recorded in the Gospel according to John 12:12-26 in scripture, sermon, and song. Registration for Zoom (including service and coffee time) is required. Click Here
Weekly Words from the Part-time Minister of Worship and Pastoral Care