October 23, 2020

Say YES .....
to grounding yourself, finding out what God's up to and joining in, caring and reaching out to others, discovering new beauty, protecting yourself and others, being on Zoom for church and Conversations that Matter this Sunday!!!

Sunday October 25:  Conversations That Matter Go Virtual

At 10:30 am - Zoom Worship will be led by Harry Disher and Betty Pries followed by Conversations that Matter.

Our worship service will be on Zoom (The link is here) and can also be found on the church web page under events. Betty Pries will be preaching and we will stay on the Zoom gathering after Church for "Conversations that Matter”.

Here's your chance to have some further input on important  ongoing discussions about our future at First.

***If you haven't ventured onto Zoom yet but would like to learn how, please call or email us on Friday or Saturday and we will help you get on board.

Contact: Muriel Omand-Naylor at: mbnaylor@rogers.com>  or 519-746-2566 -OR
Joan Westcott at: westcottj@rogers.com  or 519-883-0284
Congregational Meeting Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 7:00 pm

Dear First United Church members and adherents,
I hope this email finds you safe and well and minding the distancing and family bubble rules.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but even in this time of Covid-19 the church property needs to be maintained.
Due to the significant deterioration of First's steam boiler discovered during the summer servicing, the church board has had to make an emergency decision to replace it with a new steam boiler.

As acting chair of the board and congregational chair, I hereby call a congregational meeting to take place Wednesday November 4th 2020 at 7:00 PM by Zoom for the purpose of explanation of the board decision and discussion of possible financial arrangements. Announcements will be made during the online service on Sunday October 25th and November 2nd. Those not on the church email list will receive a Canada Post announcement. 
A second email notice will be sent closer to November 4th with the Zoom link.

Rick Heemskerk
Little Libraries
We've got just the perfect spot for kids' and adult books that you've read and are wanting to give a new home to!  All books are welcome (except for textbooks and religious ones). If you have a few, please put them directly in our Little Libraries at the William St. entrance. For delivering more, there's a spot for them outside the church office door or Lynne will pick them up. (519-7445012 or kbd@golden.net)
Thanks from all the readers in advance

Online Worship needs your support to continue
Long Story Short:
The Church Board has asked that a system be purchased that can broadcast live (“stream”) from the Sanctuary (when we return to in person worship) but can also be used to record services as we are doing now.  A fund has now been set up and the initial goal, which is needed to purchase the required equipment, will be approximately $20,000.  
Slightly Longer Story:
Online Worship has become an important piece of our ministry over the past months. It is a way of connecting with those in our congregation, across the country and around the world.
Online worship has been kept afloat by Harold Arnett who has handled the technical aspects of preparing the online service (and has been able to borrow most of the equipment). Harold has done a commendable job but a reliance on borrowed equipment is not sustainable.
Our current equipment cannot adequately record a service at this point and we are not able to livestream from the Sanctuary.
The equipment (with taxes) is $24,000. We have received a $4,000 Seeds of Hope grant (thanks Joan Westcott!).
Many of you have indicated that you feel that this is an important piece of our ministry.
Please support it by sending a cheque into the church office or by e-transfer to firstunitedchurch@rogers.com  indicating it is for the Online Ministry Fund.
Greg Case

Worship in Coming Weeks
Sunday, October 25 at 10:30 am - Zoom Worship led by Harry Disher and Betty Pries followed by Conversations that Matter.
Our worship service will be on Zoom (The link is here) and can also be found on the church web page under events. Betty Pries will be preaching and we will stay on the Zoom gathering after Church for "Conversations that Matter”.

Sunday, November 1 at 10:30 am – All Saints’ Sunday

Sunday, November 8 at 10:30 am – Remembrance Sunday

The ways you can join:
You can go to firstunitedchurch.ca for the service, First United Facebook page, or First United Youtube Channel.
If you would be interested in leading a worship service or in participating in some way please let me know at gregjcase@gmail.com.
For Pastoral Care needs please call the church office (519-745-8487) or email at office@firstunitedchurch.ca.  For our Minister of Pastoral Care, Bruce Sweet call 519-579-8483 (home) or 519-580-3899 (cell) or email at brucesweet4@gmail.com 
 Stewardship/Finance Update
  September Year to Date
General Fund Local                    $12,318.00 $136,894.26
Wage Subsidy Grant 0 4,224.62
Other Operations                            5,262.15 51,010.03
Mission & Outreach                        3,389.00 34,092.00
TOTAL INCOME                           20,969.15 226,220.91
TOTAL EXPENSES                      28,102.41 276,365.34
EXCESS INCOME\EXPENSES                    ($7,133.26) ($50,144.43)
Capital Income                               505 46,933.22
Capital Expenses                                 84.85 54,479.24
CAPITAL EXCESS INC\EXP           $420.15 ($7,546.02)
To get your offering to the office you can use PAR, e transfer to firstunitedchurch@rogers.com, website donation www.firstunitedchurch.ca or send a cheque. Cheques can be dropped off at the church mailbox which is located at the Entrance on the William Street side of the building.
Also you may send your cheque to
First United Church
16 William St. West
Waterloo ON
N2L 1J3
Reminder, credit card companies have a fee of around 3-5%.  If you wish First to get the full amount, then please add that percentage to your contribution.

A Message from Your Safe Start Team
On the recommendation of the Safe Start Team, the Board confirmed continuation of only online worship until at least November 8. This decision was based primarily on the rising COVID-19 infections and relative uncertainty of changing public health guidelines. The COVID-19 situation and public health guidelines will be reassessed at the November Board meeting.
While we are all anxious to get back to in person worship, we want to be safe and follow the guidelines set out by public health and those are still changing frequently. We can keep informed about the recommendations, but we are less sure of how all of you are feeling. We would really appreciate hearing from you as to how you are feeling personally. Do you think you are ready to come back? Are you planning to stay away from all public gatherings for a while longer? Please let us know through our email safestartfirst@gmail.com 
     Cathie Stewart Savage (Chair), Ken Arnett, Jay Brooker, Sheena Curwood, Rev. Harry Disher, Joe Hipperson, Kathleen King Martin, John Lindsay, Ron Taylor.

Drop By Food Drive October 31
When? - Saturday October 31 – 9am – 2pm
Where? - First's parking lot
What is happening?- Folks drop off non-perishable food
What is needed? - Volunteers to collect donations from cars
                          Contact Cathie Stewart Savage css2303@gmail.com  or 519-589-2303
Outreach Committee
Check it out!  Waterloo Senior Services Dept. – Fall Zoom presentations on staying healthy and well through the pandemic.
Church Office
Please note that the office will be closed on Monday, October 26th and will re open on Tuesday at 9:00 am.
Together We Stand, but Apart