Friday, June 26th
Dear Family of First United Church,
Today is the first day of summer vacation for our students. I realize that this letter probably lands in the mailboxes of parents and grandparents. So I am asking you to extend my sentiments to the students in your family and the children in our faith community.
It has been a whirlwind of creativity and problem solving these past months, but you made it! You finished the school year! I am sure there were many challenges that felt insurmountable at times, but you hung in there and now you will hopefully have a time of rest.
Please don't worry about the fall, and what it will bring in the way of your studies. You will continue to learn new things, find clever ways to connect with your friends and have a deeper understanding of the things that are really important to you.
So until then, take a deep breath and sigh it out. Allow the burdens of worry to melt away. Notice the possibilities that are in front of you for today and embrace them! God loves you and love has the power to take the most ordinary things and make them extraordinary. I know you have already experienced this in your lives, so celebrate the fullness of being alive, surrounded by God's love. You are beloved.
Missing you all very much,
It has been a few months since we had an update. I am pleased to tell you that donations to the Challenge this year have meant that each month’s loan payment to date has been covered.
But we need some additional donations to get the full amount of the June payment covered and then to have the summer payments covered too. Your extra donation identified for the Resiliency Challenge will be appreciated.
Joan Westcott
Just a reminder about offering during this time of physical distance.
To get your offering to the office you can use PAR, e transfer, website donation or send a cheque. Checks can be dropped off at the church mailbox which is located at the Entrance on the William Street side of the building.
Also you may send your cheque to
First United Church
16 William St. West
Waterloo ON
N2L 1J3
Reminder, credit card companies have a fee of around 3-5%. If you wish First to get the full amount, then please add that percentage to your contribution.
If anyone knows of an apartment or part of a house that would be available for the Badr family (3 people) to rent please call Bryan Kirkham 519-888-7117 or Sheena in the church office 519-745-8487. Prefer 2-bedroom.
The month of June was designated Indigenous History Month in Canada in 2009. You may wish to access the Indigenous History Month Speaker Series on Sundays this month at 4 p.m. for a discussion of the past, present and future of Indigenous ministry, advocacy and social justice with Indigenous Elders, Ministers and Leaders from the United Church. The sessions are open to everyone.
June 21 – Indigenous People’s Day: The Indigenous Church, Mission and Call with Rev. John Snow Jr.
June 28 – Vision: The Caretakers Report and the Future Indigenous Church with Adrian Jacobs, Keeper of the Circle, Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre
To access the series, contact Tony Snow to obtain the Zoom link.
Contact Tony Snow at