Report on Spring Meeting from WOW Representatives by Cathie Savage
Attended by Cathie Savage, Jeff Learmonth and Greg Case
This was a hybrid meeting with some of us there in person and some on zoom, the in person portion was held at the Unifor Family Education Centre, in Port Elgin. This hybrid meeting was done very well, and I think it was because of a combination of having one person assigned to consistently host the zoom room and the chair consistantly checking in with them. When there was table group time, they were moved into chat rooms. They also had their own chaplain who was online with them too.
This experience was a bit unique also, as our last meetings at the UNIFOR Centre were combined with two other regions, so numbers were smaller and the whole experience was much more relaxed and less hectic.
As always, the business and worship were integrated. The Theme for the Spring Meeting of WOWRC was Dreaming Dreams. We were very impressed with the way the theme was presented through the story, “Dream: A story of Wonder, Wisdom and Wishes” which interwove favourite colours and intergenerational changes. (Cathie even bought the book!). Around the room were posted inspirational quotes on dreaming that are also included in the artwork of the book.
Throughout the meeting we were encouraged to make folded stars that were added to the decorations through the meeting and were at the front for the service of celebration of new ministries.
Presentations included:
Business that was addressed included:
The meeting ended with a Celebration of Ministries Service where the new executive was installed and the candidates admitted, ordained or commissioned.