THANKS to all who donated items to the bake sale and First’s craft table, to the piemakers and those who prepared lunch, to those who staffed the bake table, our craft table, the kitchen, and the lunchroom and to the set-up crew and the cleanup crew. If you saw any of this activity you would agree that many hands make light work! I want to particularly thank Edith Coyle and the UCW for looking after the bake sale, Cathie Stewart Savage for coordinating the lunchroom preparation and process and Muriel Omand-Naylor and Lynne Blake Dickson for looking after the vendors’ needs.
I am pleased to report that our operating funds will benefit from over $3650 as a result of this event! This amount includes the vendor fees and the net proceeds from the craft table $192, the lunchroom $717 and the bake sale $923.