We have some very exciting news! Paul Mitchell, the President of the Local Musicians’ Union has offered us 100% sponsorship for 4 additional concerts to occur between January and April 2023. Since the 2 Universities and St. Andrews also offer free concerts during the week, we decided to offer these 4 concerts on Sunday afternoons from 2:00 – 3:00. The union stipulates that the concerts be free to the public, feature only union members, be one hour in length and are livestreamed across Canada and the U.S. We plan to offer home made pie, coffee, and tea for refreshments. Details will be available soon on the church’s website under EVENTS so stay tuned!
At our last concert on November 29th, the Renaissance School of the Arts’ Flute Choir under the direction of Wendy Wagler, presented a wonderful variety of music; from the Ukrainian “Carol of the Bells” to a medley from Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite and finishing with a medley of Christmas favourites to an audience of 154.
Special thanks to our lunchroom volunteers under the leadership of Jean Hoffmann and Barb Blain: Judy Berthin, Jana Heemskerk, June Logan, Lynda McDowell, Audrey Nichols, Shirley Schweitzer, Pauline Williams, Mary Wybrow, as well as Shirley Irish our treasurer, Joe Hipperson our usher and Matthew Savage our sound/camera technician. We also want to thank the Church Board, Sheena Curwood, Jay Brooker, and Craig Lennox for their support.
Lunch menu:
Sandwiches on whole wheat - egg, ham, salmon, or tuna ($6 for whole, $3 for half)
Desserts - butter tart, date square or nanaimo bar ($2 each)
Beverages - tea or coffee ($2)
Water - free
Remember to order your lunch requests by NOON every Friday at firstunitedconcerts@gmail.com
The concert schedule can be found on the church’s website under EVENTS while hard copies will be available in the Narthex. Pre-ordered lunches can be picked up in Hilliard Hall from 11:30 and the half hour concerts will start at 12:15.
Changes may occur at short notice, so please continue to refer to the church’s website.
Keep January 24th in mind for our 45th Anniversary Celebration!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and all good wishes in the New Year.
Sharon Gowland, Concert Coordinator