Rev. Harry Disher will be on vacation again from August 16th through August 31st. If there are emergent pastoral needs during that time, please contact Rev. Andrea Allan at Westminster United: (519) 301-7864, .
Emmanuel United Church
Sunday August 14th, 2022 – Worship begins at 10am
Vanessa Spence presiding
Online Worship:
Our online worship takes place over Zoom webinar
In Person Worship:
We encourage people to wear masks, sanitize, and follow social distancing protocols.
There is a children's time during worship but no in-person programming for children.
Parkminster United Church
Sunday August 21st, 2022 – Worship begins at 10:00 AM
The Rev. Joe Gaspar presiding
Facebook -
We will also have in person worship
Service begins at 10AM -- Please share with your congregants: Due to rising case counts of COVID-19 and wastewater numbers, Parkminster’s COVID-19 Working Group encourages people to wear masks throughout the worship service.
Westminster United Church
Sunday August 28th, 2022 - Worship begins at 10:30 AM
The Rev. Andrea Allan presiding
In Person worship:
Please continue to follow local public health recommendations by wearing your mask, sanitizing your hands and respecting the social distance of 6 feet from others.
While maintaining this distance, those speaking from the pulpit may remove their mask to speak.
The pews are set up in a configuration that supports these protocols.
And the PRAYGROUND is ready for the kids to explore during the worship service.
Online worship: Beginning at 10:30am EDT, you can find our live stream worship at Westminster's YouTube Channel here. It is suggested to hit the refresh button every so often until the livestream appears. Thank you for your patience as we learn and grow this important ministry!