We will be collecting food for Waterloo Regional Foodbank throughout the month of May. Containers will be left in the Narthex to collect your gifts of non-perishable food. Cash donations can be sent to the church office or made directly to the Foodbank at
For many in our region, a balanced, nutritious diet is not within their reach.
The Foodbank of Waterloo Region helps support these people through their many partners, including (in a very small way) our Fridays at First.
People who need this support are:
So, who are these people? Let me give some examples:
- People on a tight budget who has encountered an unexpected expense. Some examples could be a car accident, a vital appliance breakdown, or needed glasses or dental work.
- People fleeing violence, either domestic or as a refugee new to Canada, or experiencing a fire or other unexpected displacement.
- People who have no place of their own to store food safely.
- People who do not have enough income to afford enough to eat.
Do you know someone who needs emergency food assistance?
Anyone can access food assistance. Find a food program at
or call our Centralized Food Assistance Outreach line at 519.743.5576 x340.
Have a fresh look at the orange ribbons.
These ribbons are to honour the Indigenous children found in unmarked graves across Canada.
The bushes and trees represent life, and the ribbons acknowledge lives lost.
Note - The ribbons needed to be removed because of safety rules for the fenced play area for children at the English at First School.
Please watch for announcements in the coming weeks for these events:
May 8-June 19 Marillac Baby Bottle Campaign
All Sundays in May Food Drive
Community Garden will be starting up soon