Dear Friends in Christ,
Grace and peace to you as we draw ever closer to the season of Lent and the days of Holy Week and Easter.
I wanted to let you know about opportunities to gather for worship and fellowship that will be happening in the coming weeks. On Sunday, February 19th, Transfiguration Sunday, we will be celebrating Holy Communion a part of our 10:30 am worship. We will mark Shrove Tuesday with a Pancake Supper in Hilliard Hall on February 21st from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. You will find the rest of the Lent, Holy Week and Easter happenings on the enclosed flyer.
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 26th on Zoom. As one part of the meeting we will be remembering with thanksgiving those who have died in 2022 and who are now fully in that house with many rooms that Jesus promised to us all. They are: Jean Arnett, Trish Chambers, Jack Dunn, Ron Gohl, Gwen Jones, Pat McCormick, Eva McFadden, Paula Roberts, Theda Saunders, John Peter Sprung, and Diane Tyssen.
We also give thanks to God for those who have died in 2023. They are Bob Hounsell and Beth Chapman. We recall that, “in life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. “ I pray that in the days of Lent you are able to reflect on the many ways and times that you have been touched by God’s grace and that you find in the stories of the Easter rising a renewed sense that God is always with us.
Blessings, Fred