May's online Zoom board meeting was called to Order at 7:00 pm. The Chair welcomed everyone then asked Rose Ann Vita for her last opening reflection and prayer with us. The Chair on behalf of the Board wished her well in her retirement and move back to the USA.
Rose Ann based her reflection on a passage from the week’s lectionary reading John 13: 32-35, First’s Mission Statement, her Transition Team Survey answers and her minister’s report for this month. She closed with a prayer and the hymn from YouTube “Till we meet again”.
Greg Case led us in the beginning of a process for a comprehensive communications strategy that would require participation and buy-in from everyone. It is based on answering Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Tonight, he focused on How. Must dig deep to find the real reason/answer (5 Whys). The Board was asked “How do we communicate?” and many ways were given. The process will continue next month with “Who”.
The Transition Team brought forward a Motion that was moved, seconded, and defeated, that First United, Waterloo extend the appointment end date for Rev. Harry Disher from September 30th to December 31st. (7 against, 2 abstentions). Much discussion occurred in camera with the result that the motion was defeated. We will have to cover beginning in October with a contract minister or pulpit and pastoral care supply until a search can be completed.
More updated Committee Responsibilities documents were received for Faith Development and Pastoral Care Committees.
We will have to have a special board meeting to approve the new minister job description, the church profile and final Living Faith Story document and a search committee which is to take place Thursday May 26 which is too late to report on here but must be completed for presentation to a congregational meeting. A congregational meeting is called for Sunday May 29th @ 2:00 PM via Zoom. As it was 9:00 PM it was agreed to stay an additional 15 minutes to complete the agenda.
Harry indicated a test of a new governance model could be started in September, but the Board felt it would be best to wait for the new minister.
Finally, from Joe Gaspar at Parkminster United Church sent a notice that Parkminster is going to have a table at Pride on June 4th. Parkminster thought if the other Waterloo United Churches were going to be present that it would be good if we could be beside each other. Rick to contact Greg Case to inquire if the Affirming Team was still active and interested in having a table along with the other Waterloo Churches.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 after a prayer by Harry Disher.
Rick Heemskerk