June's board meeting was packed with before summer break items!
The documents: Position Description for the Call of Full Minister, Living Faith Story,
Demographics-Worksheet, Financial-Viability-Worksheet, Manse-Information-Worksheet,
And Real-Property-Worksheet required for moving into a search for a new minister have been submitted to the Western Ontario Waterways (WOW) Region and confirmed.
We also had Greg Case continue the process and guide us through step 2 “Who” for a unified Communications strategy for First United. Step 3 will continue in September.
The board also received, with regret and thanks, an End of Appointment letter from the Reverend Harry Disher, stating his wish to end the appointment one month early to have more opportunities for other interim positions in the fall. The board thanks Harry for all his efforts and leadership over the two years he was with us and helped us to complete all the requirements of interim ministry. This allows us to move forward with new energy and direction. Harry has arranged pastoral care support and we will have joint services with Emmanuel, Parkminster and Westminster for the last 3 Sundays in August. August 6th will be Harry’s last service with us. His last working day will be Monday, August 15th. After that, he will take the remainder of his vacation time and some deferred statutory holiday time to cover the period from August 16th through August 31st.
Although a final decision has not been made, the property committee will be serving Coffee/tea/juice after worship services in September which will hopefully continue with other committees volunteering for successive months as they are able.
We still hope to have an in-person farewell for Kellie and Eva, but plans are still in the works.
Several members of the board have volunteered to help arrange Pulpit and Pastoral Care supply beginning September 1st until a new minister is in place. This likely won’t happen until 2023 so might involve a contract for several months or even shared responsibilities. More information will be made available when arrangements have been made.
Harry Disher has left us with information on alternate governance models which was one of the recommendations from the Credence report. We will take another look at this once a new minister is in place and can be part of the process.
A member of the board brought up the dated Ministers' pictures display in the narthex. The board has asked the archives committee to provide recommendations to the board.
Rick Heemskerk, Board Chair