Thank you to everyone for helping to make the Garage Sale on May 13th and 14th such a success.
Although we had fewer customers than previous sales, $2906 was made.
This amount was divided in half and shared with First’s General Fund. Some items are still to be sold.
Although they weren’t called Rummage Sales back in 1949, the women of First United Church gathered clothes from their friends and took them to the Waterloo Market. They set up their own tables and took care of selling the articles they had received from friends. The funds from the sale of the clothing went to equip the Sunday school classes in our basement with tables.
The sales were growing so it was decided to have them at the church.
Listening to the women at First United talk about their work with the sales from 1949 to 2022 the following comments were echoed:
It is now time for me to step down as the Rummage Sale organizer. I have thoroughly enjoyed organizing the sales and working with the wonderful people at First at this even since 2003.
There is a couple at First that is interested in taking over as coordinators if they can get another person or two to help. Please contact Alice Bieman @ 519-634-8614 so we can get together and plan the October sale.
Alice Bieman