"Did you know that every Friday Letter has had at least a dozen people writing articles, and doing many other jobs to ensure that you receive First's news of events, opportunities, information and a little inspiration sprinkled here and there?"
Lynne Blake-Dickson
You have just read the last Friday Letter that our trio will be sending out to you. However, plans are being worked on to provide other ways of sharing news, information, events and inspiration. Stay tuned!
We are very thankful to so many who have faithfully taken time and energy many times over to write articles to share with everyone. We honour them. There wouldn't have been a Friday letter without them!
Thanks to all our readers who reminded us of the value and importance of the Letter's communication. Your comments spurred us on when we got bogged down!
We continually discovered and rediscovered the threads that hold us together through communication, listening, supporting and caring. Let's all strengthen the threads and at the same time reach out to broader communities to join more threads together.
Lynne Blake-Dickson, Joanne MacPhail, Sheena Curwood and Joan Westcott
Many thanks with a cherry and sparkles on top to Joanne MacPhail and Sheena Curwood with Joan Westcott ready to step in if needed!! We each brought different talents and ideas. I sure couldn't have done it alone!
Here's to new possibilities and opportunities!
Take good care. Lynne
And many thanks to Lynne for her timely quotes, the wonderful pictures, organizing the contents of each letter, ensuring all that should be included was included and infusing her enthusiastic approach throughout!