This is the last Friday Newsletter to be prepared by the team of Lynne Blake-Dickson, Joanne MacPhail and Sheena Curwood with Joan Westcott on the ready to pinch hit. The board would be remiss if it didn’t acknowledge their important contribution to the life and work of this congregation over the last few years. They recognized the need to continue regular communication with the congregation of all the programs, events, news and humour. They took on the job of cajoling, collecting, creating and editing articles and pictures to keep people current with what is happening at First and in the community.
Please thank them for this important task when you see them.
The Stewardship Finance Committee received permission from the Board to apply for a $10,000 grant from the UP Fund administered by the Extension Council in order to purchase a replacement projector for the remaining original projector which is failing.
Greg Case led the board on part four, the “Who” in the Communications strategy presenting more of his ideas on effective communication. He proposed that the board consider two communication teams. The first to be an ad hoc team to set up some structure so that messages would go out through an appropriate channel (web, newsletter, social media etc.) and then an ongoing group who would be responsible for updating the website and making changes. The website would be the main depository of information.
There was discussion on whether to replace the pews which were removed earlier this year or to store them. There was also discussion about what to do with the rail at the front of the sanctuary. It was decided that the Property Committee replace the rail and re-install one of the shorter pews which allow space for wheelchairs.
The chair reminded everyone that it is time to look at committee budgets for next year and committee reports for the annual report. It is also time for the Nominating Committee to be advised of required replacements and begin their work for 2023.
Rick noted that coffee before the service is still being offered outdoors on the corner of King and William to anyone passing by. The Stewardship/Finance Committee is preparing and serving coffee/tea after the service in Hilliard Hall for October Rick Heemskerk