Welcome back to the start of the fall season. Lots happening with a new minister and special worship program!
The Board met on September 13th via Zoom with all in attendance and for the first time with our new supply minister Fred Monteith.
We have received a request from the K-W Outreach Group regarding refugees’ sponsorship. They have observed that the one-year SAH mandate for support is sometimes insufficient to settle a family. The CRA rules state that charitable receipts can be issued for support of a family provided the family is in a program within the church. They are asking that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the churches and KWOG be amended with a clause to assure we are compliant.
The Board approved an amendment to extend our agreement with K-W Outreach Group regarding refugee sponsorship, from twelve to fifteen months.
All committee description updates have now been provided so the office now has up-to-date list of committees' responsibilities for future information.
The Board is returning to having individual committees serving coffee, tea, juice after service – Property has September, Finance and Stewardship will look after this for October, Pastoral Care will take November, Worship – Lee will organize with Edith about the Sundays when the speakers are present, Worship will be penciled in for December and Ministry and Personnel for February. The other committees will be encouraged to pick a month.
The Board has decided to continue with Zoom meetings for the next 4 months until the new year and new Board as it works best for the current Board members and a hybrid is too complicated to do well.
Rick Heemskerk, Board Chair