Your Church Board met for the first time in 2023 via Zoom on Tuesday, January 10th.
We continue to oversee the activities, finances and property of the church on your behalf.
Early in the agenda was the Board/Congregational Retreat to be led by the Reverend Fred Monteith which is scheduled for Saturday January 21 at 09:00 to 3:00 in Hilliard Hall. You should already have received notice by email. We hope to see everyone there to take part on the THEME: FINDING OUR WAY ON THE ROAD TO OUR FUTURE
The DRAFT budget for 2023 was presented by the Finance committee. Currently a deficit of ~$46,000 is projected. Committees were given until the February meeting to provide any additional feed back.
Coffee, Tea and juice are again being served after church in Hilliard Hall by a monthly rotation of committees. January is UCW, February will be M&P and March, Finance.
Nominating is working on providing a full list of volunteers needed to keep the operations and programs of the church functioning. Please consider offering your time and talent and thank you to all those who have agreed to serve. It is a privilege to work with the many gifted and caring people of First United Church.
The 2023 Annual Meeting will be via Zoom on Sunday, February 26th at 2:00 PM. The Agenda, and Annual Report will be sent out by email although some printed copies will be available by request from the office.
A number of programs are restarting: Sunday school, Chancel Choir (Thursday’s 7:00 to 8:30), Pancake Supper on February 21st and possible shared services. Although we haven’t fully left Covid behind, things are becoming more normal and as the year progresses we can look forward to regular services (although streaming will continue) and hope to soon welcome a new full time minister.
Rick Heemskerk
Board Chair