At the April meeting of the church board much of the agenda was devoted to progress on requirements for calling a new minister. An hour was spent on the Living Faith Story, Demographics Worksheet questions and Position Description for new minister.
The Living Faith Story DRAFT was presented for review by Mary Joan Brooker with Harry recording responses. Each member was asked if they felt it was representative of First United Church at this time and whether anything missing. Much discussion and time was spent on this with a lot of input for the report.
The Board also looked at a question from the Demographics Worksheet regarding how they think of our Community of Faith's organization, vision, and purpose.
We also need to set up a search committee (7 or 9 is optimal) – each board member was asked to suggest at least one member or adherent that they feel would be the best representatives of the congregation by April 19th to Mary Joan Brooker.
The Transition Team also asked for help in preparing the position description for the new minister.
Revised Schedule for calling a new minister:
MAY 17
MAY 22 AND 29
Finance reported that General Funds had improved significantly this month. Nancy indicated that rentals have increased, local givings are up and stable, and Enbridge (gas) was under charged for the last few months. Arrangements were made to spread the payments over several months
Committee responsibilities updates and Policy reviews are on the agenda and will continue to be addressed. Worship, property, and outreach provided new versions with other committees intending to look at theirs.
Rick Heemskerk